Body Contouring

Williamson County Integrative Medicine

Body Contouring in Round Rock, TX
Low Level Light Helps You Lose Inches

Low Level Light Body Contouring helps with excess fat found in love handles, around the belly, chest, arms, hips, thighs, and buttocks.

Lose 2-4 inches in 25 minutes – and keep losing!

The low level light technology stimulates the subcutaneous fat cells which results in the body releasing triglycerides into the interstitial region of the body.

A patient should drink plenty of water to flush the lymphatic system. And a clean healthy diet and exercise are helpful but neither has to be stressful.

What is LLLT like?

As a patient lies down and treatment pads are placed on the treating area. A slight warming sensation is said to be very relaxing and some patients take a short nap.

Who is a Candidate for LLLT?

Most adults without a medical condition that reduces their ability to eliminate waste via the liver and kidneys are candidates. Patients are always recommended to consult with their physician before starting a diet or exercise program.

Empty Fat Cells & Lose Inches in Stubborn Areas

LLLT is non-invasive body contouring that empties fat cells and tightens skin. No down time and sessions are only 25 minutes. It’s a great alternative to invasive treatments!


(512) 350-2770